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Online Debit Card Substantiation
Each time you swipe your Navia Benefits Card, the provider is paid on your behalf and the expense is deducted from your FSA balance. When you use your card for a copay, prescription, or at an IIAS retailer, you are not required to substantiate your charge with itemized documentation. However, IRS regulations do require you to substantiate certain expenses that can’t be cleared by the card system.

If any of your Navia Benefits Card charges require substantiation, you will receive a summary of those charges by email each month. Once you receive the summary, you can submit your documentation online or using the “Verify Swipe” tool in the MyNavia Mobile App.

To submit your documentation online, simply login to your Navia Account and select the “Clear a Card Swipe” tool. From there, you can clear your card swipe in four easy steps:

  1. Select the swipe you’d like to clear
  2. Enter the amount you’re submitting documentation for
  3. Upload the supporting documentation
  4. Submit

Before you get started, make sure you have the itemized documentation for your expense. It is important to send the proper documentation to substantiate the card swipe. The IRS requires that the documentation show the:

  • Date of service (must fall within the plan year)
  • Type of service or item
  • Cost or patient responsibility of the service or item

Itemized bills or receipts from providers or merchants and Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) from insurance carriers are perfect forms of documentation. Do not submit a copy of the debit card receipt as this form of documentation does not show the date, type, and cost of the service.


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