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Frequently Asked Questions
These FAQs apply to Washington State Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) program benefits-eligible employees who work at state agencies, higher education institutions and community and technical colleges. If there is any conflict between information posted on the site and the FSA Enrollment Guides or DCAP Enrollment Guide (see the Forms & Documents page), the Enrollment Guide prevails.

How do I change the account number or financial institution where reimbursements are deposited?

You can add or edit direct deposit information through your online Navia account. For further assistance, contact our customer service team.

How often can I submit claims?

You can file claims at any time during the plan year.

When is the final deadline for submitting claims?

The deadline for submitting claims to Navia Benefit Solutions is March 31 following the end of the plan year.

What happens if I leave employment mid-year?

After ending employment, you may be reimbursed for expenses incurred between your current year FSA start date and the last day of the calendar month in which you were employed. You must submit all claims by March 31 following the end of the plan year.

There are additional options to continue the FSA benefit after leaving employment mid-year. See the FSA Termination Form on the Forms & Documents page for more information.

Can I be reimbursed for Over-The-Counter (OTC) medicines and drugs?

Yes. As of March 1, 2020, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines or drugs no longer require a prescription for reimbursement.

Are vitamins, herbs and nutritional supplements, and exercise equipment qualifying expenses?

Generally, no. However, if you have been diagnosed with a medical condition and your doctor has prescribed these items then they may qualify for reimbursement. Your claim must include a letter of necessity or prescription (if the expense contains an active ingredient). This letter or prescription is valid for 12 months from the issue date. A sample letter of medical necessity is available on the Forms & Documents page of the Navia Benefit Solutions website.

What transportation expenses qualify for FSA reimbursement?

Transportation that is primarily for and essential to obtaining medical care, including:

  • Bus, taxi, train or plane fares or ambulance services;
  • Transportation expenses of a parent who must travel with a child who needs medical care;
  • Transportation expenses of a nurse or other person who can give injections, medications and other treatment required by a patient who is traveling to receive medical care and cannot travel alone; or
  • Transportation expenses for regular visits to see a mentally ill dependent, if these visits are recommended as part of treatment.

Mileage is reimbursable for use of a car for medical reasons. You can also include parking fees and tolls. You can add these fees and tolls to your expenses whether claiming actual car expenses or using the standard mileage rate.

What documentation do I need to submit to support mileage with my claim form?

List the total miles traveled to obtain medical care on a separate line of the claim form. Multiply the total miles traveled by the standard mileage rate provided by the IRS and enter that total into the claim form. If you do not include the total miles traveled to obtain medical care your request for mileage reimbursement will be denied.

How long does my authorization for direct deposit remain in effect?

Your authorization for direct deposit remains in effect with Navia Benefit Solutions until you change or revoke that authorization. We retain direct deposit information from plan year to plan year.

What does “substantiate” mean?

Substantiation is the requirement by the IRS to verify expenses for eligibility before being paid or reimbursed.

Does my employer notify Navia Benefit Solutions when I change my bank account number for direct deposit for payroll?

No. You are responsible to notify Navia Benefit Solutions if your direct deposit information changes.

How do I know if my claim form was received?

If you have provided an email address, you will receive an email notification once your claim has been processed. You can view all claims processed by Navia Benefit Solutions by logging into your online account or through the mobile application. To view your account online, go to Navia’s website and click on the link “log in.” Follow the prompts to determine if you must register your account first. Please make sure to let Navia Benefits Solutions know if your email address changes to continue receiving email notification.

How can I check on my FSA balance?

You may view your balance and account activity on the Navia Benefit Solutions website by going to Account Login. To access your Navia account, you will log in using Secure Access Washington (SAW) credentials. If you do not have a SAW account, you will need to first register on the SAW website.

You can also access your balance through the mobile application or by calling Navia Benefit Solutions customer service at 1-800-669-3539.

Where can I see a list of qualifying expenses for my FSA?

The list of Eligible Expenses is a general overview. If you have questions after reviewing the list, contact Navia Benefit Solutions at 1-800-669-3539.

Can I change my election amount after I enroll in an FSA?

You may change your election if you have a qualifying event that allows for a special open enrollment. Refer to the FSA Enrollment Guide and Change in Status Form on the Forms & Documents page for details.

How much can I contribute to my FSA account?

The annual minimum contribution is $120.  The maximum amount is $3,200 for 2025.

What is carryover and “Use it or lose it”

If you have not spent all the funds in your FSA by December 31 — and you are still employed and eligible for this benefit — you may be able to take advantage of the carryover feature.

To receive carryover, you must enroll in an FSA for the next plan year, or you must have at least $120 left in your current year balance on December 31. For funds carrying over from 2024 to 2025, any amount above $640 or below $120 remaining in your account on December 31 will be forfeited to the plan administrator, the Health Care Authority. This is referred to as “use it or lose it.”

For funds carrying over from 2025 to 2026, the maximum carryover amount will be $660.

The IRS sets the maximum amount employees are allowed to carry over each year.

Are you a union-represented employee, and did your employer give you $250 for an FSA?

This contribution is an employer-paid benefit. It will not come out of your paycheck. If it is determined on November 1 that you are eligible for this benefit, you will receive the $250 automatically. Read this FAQ for more information.

Can I submit a claim online or through a mobile app?

Yes, you may submit your claims through your online account access on Navia’s website or through the MyNavia mobile application. To download the mobile application, search under “Navia Benefit Solutions” in the App store or Google Marketplace.

Can I claim my child's eligible medical expenses through my FSA even if I don't claim him or her as a tax dependent?

Yes, as long as he or she is:

  • A “child” of the taxpayer (son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, adopted child or an eligible foster child (defined as an individual who is placed with the employee by an authorized placement agency, or by judgment, decree or other order of any court of competent jurisdiction); and
  • Age 26 or younger for the entire plan year in which medical expenses are claimed. If you have a child who turns 27 in a plan year, his or her expenses cannot be claimed in that plan year.

How does the Navia Benefits Card work?

The debit card is a feature that allows participants to use their FSA funds directly, without paying out-of-pocket and waiting for reimbursement. However, the IRS has stringent regulations about where the debit card can be used and follow-up documentation is required for transactions that can’t be verified electronically. Using the debit card does not eliminate the need to submit follow-up documentation if requested by Navia Benefit Solutions. Navia Benefit Solutions will notify you at the beginning of each month of any transactions that require additional documentation.

What documentation do I have to submit with my claim form?

You must provide documentation such as bills from your provider(s) or statements from your insurance company that clearly shows the following: provider name, date(s) of service, cost of service, and type of service(s) provided.

How do I apply for the Navia Benefits Card?

When filling out your enrollment form, check the box indicating you would like a debit card. Your debit card will arrive 7-10 business days after Navia Benefit Solutions processes your completed form. See the FSA Enrollment Guide on the Forms & Documents page for additional information.

If you have an active FSA or DCAP benefit already and did not receive a card or need a new one, you may order a debit card by logging in to your Navia online account or calling customer service at 1-800-669-3539.

Do I have to send the original provider statements or insurance benefit statements?

No, please do not send the originals. Copies of your provider statements or Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) will suffice.

Do I have to provide proof of payment with my claim form?

No, we do not require proof of payment in order to process your FSA claim. Your documentation must clearly show that the services were incurred. Please note that for orthodontia expenses, the date of payment is considered the date that services are incurred.

Why do I have to state the general type of services provided?

Internal Revenue Code regulations require reimbursement claims state the type of services provided. The regulations also require the plan administrator to determine whether the expense qualifies under the plan and whether the services were provided during the period that the participant was covered under the plan.

How can I submit my claims?

You may submit the required documentation (such as copies of your receipts) using one of the following methods:

  • Online:
  • Fax: 425-451-7002 or toll-free 1-866-535-9227
  • Email:
  • Mail forms and documentation to: Navia Benefit Solutions, PO Box 53250 Bellevue, WA 98015-3250
  • Mobile App: You can submit a claim through MyNavia, available on both Google Play and the App Store. You can find the app by searching MyNavia or Navia Benefit Solutions.

Whose expenses qualify under my FSA?

Your FSA helps you pay for deductibles, copays, coinsurance, dental, vision, and many other expenses for you, your spouse or qualified tax dependent’s health care expenses, even if they are not enrolled in your PEBB medical or dental plan (See summary of eligible expenses on pages 4 and 5 of the FSA Enrollment Guide on the Forms & Documents page).

You may also claim certain expenses for a child for whom you don’t get the tax exemption due to a divorce decree, as long as one parent claims the child as a tax dependent. The tax exemption may switch from year to year between parents. As long as one parent receives the tax exemption, the medical expenses you pay on behalf of the child to the provider may qualify for FSA reimbursement.

Where do I get claim forms?

A claim form will be provided to you as part of your enrollment confirmation. A copy of the claim form is also posted under the Forms & Documents section of this website. You can also request one through email at or by calling us at 1-800-669-3539.

How often are claim payments made?

Claims are processed each business day, excluding major holidays. Claims will be reimbursed, up to the lesser of the claim amount or the FSA available account balance. Please refer to your FSA Enrollment Guide for additional details.

When will the funds be available to me if I’ve enrolled in direct deposit?

Once your claim is approved, your reimbursement will appear in your bank account within two business days after the reimbursement date. If your claim requires additional substantiation, it will take longer to be reimbursed.

Do all prescription medicines qualify for FSA reimbursement?

Generally, yes, as long as they are prescribed by a physician and are legal under federal and state laws. However, prescriptions that are purchased solely for cosmetic purposes that don’t treat an existing medical condition do not qualify. Additionally, federal law doesn’t allow reimbursement for drugs purchased in foreign countries, even if they are prescription drugs. The only exception to this rule is if you are in a foreign country and purchase and consume the drug while you are in the foreign country.

Do I need to itemize the prescriptions on my claim form?

Each prescription does not have to be listed on a separate line of the claim form. You can group prescriptions from the same pharmacy on one line of the claim form, indicating the range of fill dates and total cost.

When can I begin filing claims against my FSA?

You may file claims as soon as you incur charges (have services provided) after the plan year has begun.

What does “incurred” mean?

Incurred is defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 125 as the date the services are provided that gave rise to the expense. Expenses are not considered provided at the time you are billed for or pay for services.

Is there a minimum claim amount?

No, Navia does not have a minimum claim amount. However, DCAP works like a bank account. Reimbursement cannot exceed your DCAP account balance.

When is the final deadline for submitting claims?

The deadline for submitting claims to Navia Benefit Solutions is March 31 following the end of the plan year. Please refer to the DCAP Enrollment Guide for specifics.

Do soccer, baseball, football, gymnastics, ballet, etc. day camps qualify for my DCAP?

Generally, no. However, if the primary purpose of these camps is for care and well-being in order for you (or you and your spouse if married) to be gainfully employed, they may qualify. If the purpose of the camp is for care and well-being, you must send a statement with each claim submitted, stating that the child attends that camp primarily for care and well-being and not for educational purposes. Overnight camps are not eligible for reimbursement.

Do summer camps that include an overnight stay qualify for my DCAP?

No, the Internal Revenue Code doesn’t allow expenses for overnight care. The charges cannot be prorated to include the portion that was for care during the day while you were working.

If I can obtain day care documentation in advance of the services, can I file my claim at that time?

Yes, you may submit your claim for services for the upcoming month at the beginning of the month.

Which expenses are not eligible?

Expenses for care cannot include your costs for food, clothing, or entertainment. However, if these amounts cannot be separated from the cost of caring for the qualifying person(s), you can include the total cost.

Can I change my election amount after I enroll in DCAP?

You may change your election if you have a qualifying event that allows for a special open enrollment. Refer to the DCAP Enrollment Guide and Change in Status Form on the Forms & Documents page for details.

Do kindergarten charges qualify for DCAP reimbursement?

No, expenses for kindergarten tuition are considered educational in nature and are not eligible for reimbursement under the DCAP.

How can I check on my DCAP balance?

You may view your balance and account activity on the Navia Benefit Solutions website by going to Account Login. To access your Navia account, you will log in using Secure Access Washington (SAW) credentials. If you do not have a SAW account, you will need to first register on the SAW website.

You can also access your balance through the mobile application or by calling Navia Benefit Solutions customer service at 1-800-669-3539.

How do I know if my claim form was received?

If you have provided an email address, you will receive an email notification once your claim has been processed. You can view all claims processed by Navia by logging into your online account or through the mobile application. To view your account online, go to Navia’s website and click on “log in”. Follow the prompts to determine if you must register your account first.

Does my employer notify Navia when I change my bank account number for direct deposit for payroll?

No. You are responsible to notify Navia Benefit Solutions of any changes to your direct deposit information.

How do I change my account number or financial institution where Navia deposits my reimbursements?

You can add or edit direct deposit information through your online Navia account. For further assistance, contact our customer service team.

How long does my authorization for direct deposit remain in effect with Navia?

Your authorization for direct deposit remains in effect with Navia until you change or revoke that authorization. Navia keeps direct deposit information from plan year to plan year.

What does "incurred" mean?

Incurred is defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 125 as the date the services were provided that gave rise to the expense. Expenses are not considered provided at the time you are billed for or pay for the services. For the DCAP, this means if you pay for your services in advance, you cannot claim these expenses until they have all been provided.

For example, if you pay for February’s day care expenses at the beginning of February, you cannot be reimbursed for all of February’s expenses until the end of February. You may, however, submit claims each week at the end of that week for the services already provided.

What expenses qualify under the DCAP?

DCAP expenses eligible for reimbursement include:

  • Day care for your qualifying child 12 years old or younger who lives with you and for whom you provide more than half of the qualifying child’s support.
  • Day care expenses for your spouse, qualifying child, or qualifying relative who is physically or mentally unable to care for himself, resides with you and has income less than the federal exemption amount.

See the DCAP Enrollment Guide on the Forms & Documents page for additional information.

How often can I submit claims?

You can file claims at any time during the plan year.

When can I begin filing claims against my DCAP account?

You may file claims as soon as you incur charges (have services provided) after the plan year has begun. However, remember that DCAP works like a bank account. Reimbursement cannot exceed the account balance and you cannot receive reimbursement until after the service has been provided.

When will the funds be available to me if I’ve enrolled in direct deposit?

Once your claim is approved, your day care reimbursement will appear in your bank account within two business days after the reimbursement date. If your claim requires additional substantiation, it will take longer to be reimbursed.

How often are claim payments made?

Claims are processed each business day, excluding major holidays. Claims will be reimbursed up to the DCAP available account balance. Please refer to your DCAP Enrollment Guide for additional details.

Where do I get claim forms?

A claim form will be provided as part of your enrollment confirmation. A copy of your plan’s claim form is also posted under the Forms & Documents section of this website. You can also request one through email at or by calling us at 1-800-669-3539.

Can I submit a claim online or through a mobile app?

Yes, you may submit your claims through your account on Navia’s website or through the MyNavia mobile application. To download the mobile application, search under “Navia Benefit Solutions” in the App store or Google Marketplace.

How can I submit my claims?

You may submit the required documentation (such as copies of your receipts) using one of the following methods:

  • Online:
  • Fax: 425-451-7002 or toll-free 1-866-535-9227
  • Email:
  • Mail forms and documentation to: Navia Benefit Solutions, PO Box 53250 Bellevue, WA 98015-3250
  • Mobile App: You can submit a claim through MyNavia, available on both Google Play and the App Store. You can find the app by searching MyNavia or Navia Benefit Solutions.

What is a day care recurring claim?

You may fill out a day care services recurring claim form instead of submitting a day care claim. A claim is automatically processed according to the interval you designate for your day care costs.

Do I have to provide proof of payment with my claim form?

No, you do not need to provide proof of payment.

What documentation must I submit with my claim form?

You must provide documentation from your provider to Navia Benefit Solutions that clearly shows the following:

  • Care provider name
  • Name of the person for whom services were provided.
  • Date(s) of service
  • Cost of service
  • Description of the service(s) provided

Your provider may also sign the day care claim form instead of providing separate documentation. No further documentation would be required then. Employees also have the option to sign up for recurring day care claims, through their profile on the participant portal.

Does my day care provider have to be a licensed day care center?

No. Your day care provider can be a private individual or a licensed day care provider. The provider must provide you with their Social Security Number or federal Tax ID number. Additionally, the provider cannot be:

  • A parent of the child.
  • A dependent on your tax return for you (or your spouse if filing jointly).
  • A person under age 19 at the end of the year, even if he or she was not your dependent.

How does the DCAP work if I am divorced with children?

Your child must live with you for more than half of the year in order to be eligible for reimbursements through the DCAP. The parent who has more than 50% custody is eligible for the dependent care regardless of which parent claims the tax exemption.